Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts on Leaving Charleston: Lessons Freshman Year Taught Me

1.       The importance of pillow talk—Courtney and I stayed up late so many nights just talking and catching up (we were both so busy this past semester). By the end of our conversations, we would be terrified to look at the time, knowing that it was probably some ungodly hour.  Yet, I was never tired the next day…

2.       What true community looks like—Props to Charleston BCM. I never realized how important it was to have a strong group of Christians supporting and encouraging you until this year.  Now I know.

3.       That Citadel cadets aren’t all bad—Yeah, I just said that. If you know me at all, you probably just fell on the floor.  That is quite a long story though…

4.       The best place to actually get studying done is at the Charleston Place Hotel—Who knew that staying up until 2 AM studying in a hotel would be a good idea???

5.       Discipleship is the bomb—I got Katie’s dust from her sandals all over me this year. And it was awesome! Seriously, though, having someone pour into me and mentor me has pushed me to think, live, and be deeper. And then getting to pour into someone else has made me rely so much more on God—on His wisdom, His strength, His guidance, His consistency.

6.       The worst things in Charleston are mosquitoes and tourists—Essentially, they’re the same thing, though.  They like to come out when it’s cool and just be pesky. And a lot of times, you just want to smack them. Yes, I was once a tourist.  But I have learned my lesson.

7.       The best memories are made when you’re spontaneous—Some of my favorite memories from the past year are from situations where everything seemed to be going wrong so we ended up at Waffle House doing Emperor Palpatine impressions or wandering through a dark alley near the Battery talking about past relationships or spotting dolphins out at Waterfront Park at midnight.  Spontaneity pays off.

8.       Watching “The Office” is more about friendship than Michael Scott’s witty remarks—Thursday nights at 9 o’clock almost always found me watching “The Office” with some of my best friends. I did it for them…not because I find “The Office” hilarious. It’s just a’ight.

9.       There are other college kids who want to spend the rest of their lives doing ministry and mission work—I feel less alone now. It’s great. They’re inspirational.

10.   How to own my faith—Before college, I just soaked in everything. Now, I filter it. I choose what I believe is true based on my understanding of what the Bible says and of what God is convicting me.  I applied for SummerSalt (it’s a summer camp) this year and didn’t get the position. But as I was filling out the application, I found myself challenged to put my beliefs into words and to support them. I have grown exponentially because of it.

11.   The best place to watch for shooting stars is Sullivan’s Island—Laying on the cool sand in the dark as the Sullivan’s Island lighthouse flashes overhead is quite an experience.  It’s the best place to have seriously deep or ridiculously light-hearted conversation. And you’re guaranteed to spot at least one shooting star if you’re patient enough. I couldn’t help thinking, I can’t believe I live HERE.

12.   That the word “blog” sounds like a disease—Eww! Did you hear she has a blog these days?? That’s so unfortunate.  Hopefully her doctor will be able to give her something to cure that up quickly. (Oh, the conversations that happen when college kids are running on approximately 4 hours of sleep.)

There’s more…so much more. But I fear this blog post is already too long.

Oh. Where is the paradox in this? Well, I went to College of Charleston, and in the midst of all the darkness, I learned to shine brighter.

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